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IPA pins

X Kongres Swiatowy IPA, Wiesbaden 1982 | X IPA WOrld Congress 1982



Austria - Wieden | Austria, Vienna



Belgia | Belgium

Belgia | Belgium

Belgia, 25 lecie Regionu Flandria Zachodnia | Belgium, 25th anniversary of West Vlaanderen branch

Bulgaria | Bulgaria

Kanada | Canada

Znaczek wydany z okazji 33 posiedzenia International Executive Council w 2005 roku w Dublinie | Canadian pin for 33 IEC in Dublin

Kanada, Region 13 | Canada Region 13

IPA Estonia

IPA Finland

IPA France

Odznaka honorowa IPA Niemcy nadawana po 25 latach czlonkostwa | Honorable pin of IPA Germany (for members have been in IPA over 25 years)

IPA Germany 50th anniversary

IPA Israel

Odznaka honorowa dla czlonkow IPA Holandia o stazu powyzej 25 lat | Honorable IPA Holland pin ( for members have been in IPA over 25 years)

IPA Holland

IPA Luxembourg

IPA Holland

IPA Hungary

IPA IBZ Gimborn

IPA Ireland

IPA Ireland

Znaczek z okazji 33 posiedzenia Swiatowego Komitetu Wykonawczego IPA w 2005 roku w Dublinie | 33 rd IEC in Dublin pin

IPA Monaco

IPA England, Nottingham

IPA Poland, Lublin

IPA Poland, X anniversary

IPA Poland

IPA Poland

IPA Poland

IPA Poland

IPA Poland, Slask

IPA Poland, National Council

IPA Romania

IPA Romania

IPA Russia

IPA Russia

IPA Slovakia

IPA Slovenia

IPA Slovenia, X anniversary

IPA South Africa

IPA Spain

IPA Sri Lanka

IPA Swaziland

IPA Turkey

IPA Ukraina

IPA USA, Region 16 Baltimore

IPA USA, Region 29 Northern and Central California

IPA USA, Region 40 Northeastern California



IPA USA, Region 37 State of Hawaii


IPA USA, Region 44 California, Inland Empire area

IPA USA, Region 52 Nevada

IPA USA, Region 29 Central California

IPA Poland 2006

IPA Finland

IPA Italy Honorary badge

IPA Romania

Ireland - 50th anniversary

Unknown country or region - I need your help to identify it

IPA Italy

IPA Dania | IPA Denmark

IPA Egland - Ayrshire

IPA England - Scotland

IPA Islandia | IPA Icelad

IPA Nowa Zelandia | IPA New Zealand

IPA Canada Region 9

IPA Canada Region 14

IPA Canada Region Alberta

IPA Canada 40th Anniversary

IPA Dania | IPA Denmark

IPA Dania 40 rocznica | IPA Denmark 40th Anniversary

IPA San Marino

Polska - odzaka 10 lecia czlonkowstwa, nowy wzor | Poland - 10 years stay in Polish IPA

IPA Portugal

IPA Swaziland (mikropanstewko na obszarze RPA) | IPA Swaziland

IPA Sweden


IPA France

IPA France

IPA France

Hong Kong

IPA USA Region 10 New Jersey

IPA USA Region 35 Yosemite

IPA Norwegia | IPA Norway

VI Kongres Sekcji Polskiej IPA | VI National Congress of Polish Section in 2007

IPA Russia

IPA Grecja |IPA Hellas

IPA Wlochy Region Lignano | IPA Italia Lignano Branch

IPA LImburgia (Region na obszarze Belgii, Holandii, Niemiec |IPA Limburg

Swietkokrzyska GW IPA | IPA Poland Region Swietokrzyska

Region IPA Leszno, Wielkopolska | IPA Poland, Leszno Branch

IPA Ukraina |IPA Ukraine

IPA UK - Scotland Yard

IPA UK - 60th Anniversary

Klub Motocyklowy IPA, Sekcja Tarnow | Polish IPA Motorcycle Club, Chapter Tarnow

Poswiecenie sztandaru Klubu Motocyklowego IPA | Blessing ceremony of Polish IPA Motorcycle Club flag

IPA Gorna Austria | IPA Upper Austria

IPA Austria 20lecie Regionu Salzburg | IPA Austria Salzburg 20th Anniversary

IPA Czech Republik

IPA Anglia Londyn | IPA London Millenium Dome 2000

IPA Hiszpania Katalonia | IPA Spain Catalonia

IPA Spain

IPA Hiszpania Andaluzja | IPA Spain Andalusia

IPA Region 2 NY NY

IPA Region 3 NY - Westchester Cty & NE New York

IPA USA Region 5 Long Island

IPA USA Region ?

IPA IEC 1986 Adelaida Australia

UK - IPA 50th anniversary

UK - IPA 50th anniversary

IPA Hungary

IPA Finland

IPA Hungary Szombathely Region

IPA Poland Region Silesia

IPA Sweden

IPA Sweden

IPA USA Region 5 Alberta

IPA USA Region 9 CA - San Francisco City and County area

IPA USA Region 43 Miami

IPA USA Detroit/Windsor 2005

IPA Poland Motorcycle Club

IPA Poland Motorcycle Club

World Congress New Zealand 1991

Belgium IPA Charleoi Airport

IPA Greece

IPA France

IPA Hungary Budapest

IPA Italy Venezia 2002

IPA Italy, Honorary Badge


Poland - Kalisz IPA Branch

IPA Poland, Knight Riders Popowo 2010

IPA Poland, Zamosc Branch

IPA Poland, XV anniversary of Leszno Branch

IPA Poland, Knight Riders Chapter Warszawa

IPA Poland, Krakow Branch

IPA Slovenia

IEC Moscow 2008

IPA Poland, Szczecin Branch

IPA New Zealand

IPA Brasil badge

IPA Japan

IPA Slovenia

IPA Poland, Region Kielce

IPA Switzerland

IPA Poland, Zory branch

IPA Denmark

IPA Austria

IPA Austria Tirol

IPA ITaly Lignano Region

IPA Macau

IPA New Zealand

IPA Holland

IPA Poland Leszno Branch

IPA Poland Region Zachodniopomorski

IPA Poland 5th National Congress

IPA Sweden

IPA Sweden

IPA Sweden

IPA Sweden

IPA Sweden

IPA Sweden

IPA Sweden

IPA Switzerland

IPA Switzerland

IPA Poland 20ty years of membership

IPA Austria Karnten

IPA Australia

IPA France 60th anniversary

IPA Greece 50th anniversary

IPA Netherlands 2015

IPA Iceland 2014

IPA UK Arthur Troop centenary

IPA Ireland

IPA Israel with Israeli and Polish flags

IPA Poland Gdansk Region

IPA Poland collar pin

IPA Poland Zamosc branch

IPA Russia - Region Kamchatka

IPA Slovenia

IPA Spain Basque Region

IPA Sweden 2014

IPA Sweden Stockholm

IPA USA breast badge

IPA Germany Hannover Region

IPA Macau

IPA Greece 2014

IPA Holland Noord-Brabant

IPA Spain Catalonia - Girona Province

IPA Spain Catalonia

IPA UK Hertfordshire

IPA 1981 British Section Visit in USA

IPA USA Region 3 Hudson

IPA USA Region 4 Northern Illinois

IPA USA Region 5 Long Island

IPA USA Region 8 Peterbourgh

IPA USA Region 10 New Jersey

IPA USA Region 13 Keystone

IPA USA Region 15 Eastern Long Island/Suffolk County

IPA USA Region 20 Michigan

IPA USA Region 21 Ohio

IPA USA Region 21 Ohio

IPA USA Region 25 AZ Central

IPA USA Region 39 Central Florida

IPA USA Region 64 Texas

IPA UK, Scotland Yard Branch

IPA Kazakhstan

IPA North Macedonia (Balkans)

IPA North Macedonia

IPA Poland, Region Gdansk

IPA USA Region 7 (not existed now)

IPA USA Region 57 South Illinois

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